How to Use Upvote.Sh API

Here is a quick guide showing you how to use our Upvote.Shop API for sending upvotes from our system to your targeted posts/comments via your own app or software.

Get your API Access Token via our Panel:

upvote shop api

Upvote.Shop API Information

Bearer Authentication is required for accessing this endpoint. Authentication is performed via JWT token in the Authorization header.


AuthorizationAuthorization: JWT token. (Type: Bearer Token, Required: Yes)

1. Create Order

Create a new order.

Request HeadersAuthorization: JWT token. (Type: Bearer Token, Required: Yes)
ResponsesCode 200: Successful response
Code 400: Error
linkType: String (Reddit URL)
typeType: Number (1 is post upvote; 8 is post downvote; 6 is comment upvote; 7 is comment downvote; 10 is TOP targeted ranking).

Note: For the TOP Targeted Ranking, min order is 100, and set speed to 1.
voteType: Number (greater than 0, less than Max Upvote)
afterType: Number (run after x minutes, 0: immediately, greater than 0: delay time)
speedType: Number (from 1 to 5 votes/min).
Note: 0.2 → 0.9 is the mega slow mode (0.2 = 1 vote every 5 minutes).
targetType: Object.
Position: From 1 to 20.


  "link": "post_or_comment_url",
  "type": 1,
  "vote": 5,
  "after": 0,
  "speed": 1,
  "target": {
    "is_set": true,
    "position": 1


"code": 1,
"message": "Success",
"order_id": "3333"

2. Retrieve Order Details

Retrieve details of a specific order by its ID.

Request ParametersID: The unique identifier of the order. (Type: String, Required: Yes)
Request HeadersAuthorization: JWT token. (Type: Bearer Token, Required: Yes)
ResponsesCode 200: Successful response
Status value“processing”, “canceled”, “pending” , “success”
Code 400Error response


  "code": 1,
  "status": "processing",
  "after": 0,
  "vote": 5,
  "type": 1,
  "start_votes": 1,
  "last_votes": 0,
  "order_error_message": "Error message",
  "id": "123456",
  "target": {
    "is_set": true,
    "position": 1,
    "max_hours": 2
  "subreddit": "ask",
  "author": "reddit_user",
  "rank": 5,
  "random_mode": false,
  "vote_min": 1,
  "vote_max": 5,
  "created": 1706583019193,
  "finish_time": 1706583053232


"code": -1,
"message": "Message Error"

3. Check Balance

Check the user’s balance.

Request HeadersAuthorization: JWT token. (Type: Bearer Token, Required: Yes)
ResponsesCode 200: Successful response
Code 401: Token Invalid


GET /api/check-balance
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN


  "balance": 10.4,
  "email": "your_email@"

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